Presentations Schedule

Wednesday, 6.11.2024, 16:30 – Aula Magna (online presentations included)
Session VDS 1 – Vehicle Dynamics, Vehicle Systems
Chairman: C. Antonya

Numerical evaluation of the influence of terrain properties in clay-tire interactions (ID 845)
                V.S. Swamy, D. Mason, A. Yerro, C. Sandu, K. Sebeck, and D. Gorsich
                Speaker: V.S. Swamy

Development of a Suspension Energy Harvester Utilizing a Mechanical Resonator (ID 917)
                L. Gross, D. Edward, L. Hupp, R. Ahmed, and M. Mehrtash
                Speakers: L. Gross, D. Edward

Design, Control, Assembly and Testing of a Camless Valve System (ID 902)
                G. Mitchell, A. Obee, C. Wood, and D. Centea
                Speaker: A. Obee

An Innovative Transportation Vehicle Design: Hyper Speed Transportation System (ID 891)
                A.A. Pirli and S. Ersoy
                Speaker: A.A. Pirli


Wednesday, 6.11.2024, 16:30 – Room UI2
Session POW 1 – Advanced Powertrain Systems
Chairman: C. Pană

Research on Performances of a Single-Cylinder Engine Fueled with Mixtures of Diesel and Kerosene (ID 790)
C.I. Leahu, A. Budală and S. Ţârulescu
                Speaker: A. Budală

Determination of Energetic Performances of an Engine Fueled with Mixtures of Diesel and Kerosene using Roller Dynamometer (ID 856)
                A.Budală and C.I. Leahu
                Speaker: A.Budală

Powertrains for Аir-powered Vehicle (ID 990)
                Y. Dimitrov, G. Kadikyanov and Y. Dimitrova
                Speaker: Y. Dimitrov

Effects of Retrofitting Diesel Engine Injector Nozzles, focusing on Engine Performances (ID 1004)
                C.C. Suciu, V. Stoica , S.V. Igret, and I. Ionel
                Speaker: C.C. Suciu


Wednesday, 6.11.2024, 16:30 – Room UI3
Session MAT 1 – New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies
Chairman: P. Gümpel

Cleaning engine air intake filters – consequences on filtering (ID 1039)
                M. Toma, A. Asimopolos, Şt. Voloacă, and G. Dincă
                Speaker: M. Toma

Bibliometric approach for mapping the research on harnessing Digital Twins in mechanical fatigue of materials and structures (ID 1046)
                M.N. Baba, C. Husar, F. Dogaru, O. Jitărașu, and A.I. Matea
                Speaker: A.I. Matea

Enhancing Plastic Components Used in the Mobility Industry Through Foaming Processes (ID 1040)
                C. Draghici, A. Mihailescu, T. Calin, C. Diaconescu, D. Leuciuc
                Speaker: D. Leuciuc


Wednesday, 6.11.2024, 16:30 – Room UI6
Session HIST 1 – History of Automotive Technics and Technologies
Chairman: Al. Herlea

The Automobile, from a Glorious Past to an Uncertain Future (ID 942)
                M. Oprean, C. Andreescu, and A. Chiru
                Speaker: C. Andreescu

The challenges of paradigm changes resulting from the evolution of the automotive industry (ID 910)
                O. Frunze
                Speaker: O. Frunze

Evolution of Automotive Electrical Equipment Indus-try. Electroprecizia Sǎcele-Braşov Case Study (ID 864)
                E. Helerea, L.A. Mustațǎ, L.E. Aciu, and L. Leluțiu
                Speaker: L. Leluțiu


Wednesday, 6.11.2024, 16:30 – Room UI7
Session TRS 1 – Advanced Transport Systems
Chairman: S. Ţârulescu

Innovative transfer: harnessing automotive technologies for maritime progress (ID 983)
                A. Baicoianu, C. Husar, V. Solomon, C. Irimia, and L.P. Larsen
                Speaker: C. Husar

Structure and Efficiency of Road Freight Vehicles Utilization as a Factor of Transport Companies Competitiveness (ID 937)
                N. Şestenco-Diacek
                Speaker: N. Şestenco-Diacek

The advantages of VISUM/VISSIM software, in the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (ID 894)
                M. Deac, N. Filip, T. Deac, and F. Gaspar
                Speaker: F. Gaspar

The emergence of the Vehicular Metaverse: a scoping review (ID 819)
                Gh. D. Voinea, R.G. Boboc, M.D. Danu, I.D. Buzdugan, E.V. Butilă, C.C. Postelnicu, and F. Girbacia
                Speaker: Gh. D. Voinea


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 09:00 – Room UI2
Session POW 2 – Advanced Powertrain Systems
Chairman: B.O. Varga

Analysis of the combustion at the use of low doses of hydrogen in the automotive spark ignition engine (ID 805)
                R. Georgescu , C. Pană, N. Negurescu, Al. Cernat,  C. Nuțu and A. Panait
                Speaker: Al. Cernat

0D/1D modeling of lean-burn conditions in a hydrogen SI engine for closer correlation of in-cylinder chemical species with optical data (ID 806)
                S.S. Merola, A. Irimescu and G. Cecere
                Speaker: G. Cecere

Addressing Range Anxiety in Electric Vehicles with Physics-Based Drivetrain Models and an Appropriate Charging Strategy (ID 834)
                R. Vanderbeeken, P. Duysinx, and Y. Toussaint
                Speaker: R. Vanderbeeken

Energy Storage System Design and Thermal Behavior Investigation While Being Used by a Light-Electric-Van Virtual Prototype (ID 1002)
                V. Croitorescu and M. Mirica
                Speaker: M. Mirica

Modelling and simulation of an urban electric bus for energy consumption in real operating conditions (ID 955)
                Șt. Al. Necula, M.V. Bățăuș and Gh. Frațilă
                Speaker: Șt. Al. Necula

The investigation of mathematical optimization techniques used for the design and development of powertrain systems (ID 815)
                M. Gaidur, E. Rakosi, T.M. Ulian and Gh. Manolache
                Speaker: T.M. Ulian


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 09:00 – Room UI3
Session AEM 1 – Advanced Engineering Methods
Chairman: W. Gründer

Plant Modelling of Engine and Aftertreatment Systems for X-in-the-Loop Simulations with Detailed Chemistry (ID 814)
                M. Pasternak, R. Siddareddy, L. León de Syniawa, V. Guenther, M. Picerno, J. Andert, T. Franken, F. Mauss, and W. Adamczyk
                Speaker: M. Pasternak

Aspects of the Design of an Additively Manufactured Cylinder Head for a Stationary Hydrogen ICE (ID 878)
                T. Dost, R. Schambach and J. Getzlaff
            Speaker: T. Dost

Integrating MBD Simulation and Experimentation for Enhanced Rollover Prevention Strategies in Agricultural Tractors (ID 816)
                M. Karaca, G. Carabin, S. Temur, M.M. Topaç, and F. Mazzetto
                Speaker: M. Karaca

Contributions regarding the Dynamic Optimization Process of a Connecting Rod from an Internal Combustion Engine (ID 779)
A. Calangiu, N. Dumitru, C. Copilusi, S. Dumitru, and I. Geonea
                Speaker: C. Copilusi

Effect of Stiffening Rib Location on Failure Tendency of a Heavy-Duty Rear Axle Housing (ID 988)
                M.M. Topaç, K. Polat, O. Seren, M.M. Buldu, G. Güzey
                Speaker: K. Polat

Experimental Analysis of Frictional Torque from Radial Ball Bearings (ID 1036)
                I. Geonea, N. Dumitru and I. Dumitru
                Speaker: I. Geonea


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 09:00 – Room UI6
Session ENV 1 – Automobile and Environment
Chairman: C. Cofaru

Impacts of different propulsion systems on life cycle CO2-equivalent emissions of automated cars (ID 851)
                T.T. Nguyen and M. Hirz
                Speaker: T.T. Nguyen

Measures to reduce the environmental impact of transport proposed in SUMPs for small cities (ID 756)
                S. Ţârulescu, R. Ţârulescu, A. Şoica, D. Covaciu, C.I. Leahu, M. Duguleană, and R. Szigeti
                Speaker: S. Ţârulescu

CO2 and Pollutant Emission Reduction using Variable Valve Train in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (ID 853)
                P. Traversa, M. Elicker, N. Morelli, and S. Hardes
                Speaker: M. Elicker

GHG Impact Assessment for Hydrogen Vehicles (ID 893)
N. Filip, M. Deac, F. Gaspar, and T. Deac
                Speaker: F. Gaspar

Chemical pollution evaluation method using the carbon footprint for various road traffic scenarios in Craiova (ID 999)
                I. Dumitru, L. Matei, L. Racila, N. Gencărău, and Al. Oprica
                Speaker: Al. Oprica

The Impact of Real Driving on Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption (ID 961)
                C. Constantin, M. Bățăuș, C. Rențea, and Gh. Frățilă
                Speaker: C. Constantin


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 09:00 – Room UI7
Session HIST 2 – History of Automotive Technics and Technologies
Chairman: C. Andreescu

Dimitrie Leonida – The great design engineer, project coordinator, founder and upholder of the development of Romanian technical education (ID 838)
                C.B. Ghiță and C.F. Cristea
                Speaker: C.B. Ghiță

Two Personalities who attest to the Bivalent Connection between the Development of the Electrical Automotive Equipment Sector and Electrotechnical Higher Education in Brasov (ID 848)
                E. Helerea
                Speaker: E. Helerea

Electrical vehicle history and new challenges (ID 879)
                M.D. Călin, L. Barote, and E. Helerea
                Speaker: M.D. Călin

Flying taxis as a solution for the future (ID 1026)
                M. Arghirescu and L. Spiridon
                Speaker: M. Arghirescu

Biography of Prof. univ.eng. Radu-Emil Mărdărescu, the Creator of the Automobile and Engines School at the Institute of Mechanics in Brasov (ID 1030)
                V. Mărdărescu and M.D. Călin
                Speaker: V. Mărdărescu

The tram as an alternative and ecological means of transport in Sibiu in the period 1904-1948 (ID 1045)
                D. Curelea and D. Curelea
                Speaker: D. Curelea


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 11:30 – Room UI2
Session MAT 2 – New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies
Chairman: D. Luca-Motoc

Automated Waste Sorting using Deep Learning and Synthetic Data (ID 899)
                I.Al. Ogrezeanu, C. Suciu, and L.M. Itu
                Speaker: I.Al. Ogrezeanu

Current methods for determining the influence of hydrogen in metallic materials and their limits (ID 843)
                A. Hörtnagl, D. Hofer, and R. Hannemann
                Speaker: A. Hörtnagl

Study on the effect of the pre-state of electropolished surfaces of austenitic stainless steels on the generated topography (ID 844)
                A. Hörtnagl, P. Gümpel, C. Mauch, and T. Bogatzky
                Speaker: A. Hörtnagl

The role of shape memory alloys in modern and future automobiles (ID 887)
                J. Strittmatter
                Speaker: J. Strittmatter

The influence of interlayer ironing on dimensional accuracy of ASA MEX manufactured parts (ID 852)
                D.A. Cerlincă, I. Tamașag, and I. Beșliu-Băncescu
                Speaker: I. Tamașag


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 11:30 – Room UI3
Session AEM 2 – Advanced Engineering Methods
Chairman: I. Preda

AI-Based Knowledge Processing and Dissemination in Engineering Design (ID 782)
                W.T. Gründer
                Speaker: W.T. Gründer

An Investigation of Soil-Tire Interaction using Advanced Finite Element Approaches (ID 1019)
                D. Jasoliya, A. Untaroiu, C.D. Untaroiu
                Speaker: C.D. Untaroiu

Realtime Lidar-based Detection and Tracking of Dynamic Objects for an Autonomous Vehicle on Public Roads (ID 818)
                M. Sautter, M. Kocsis, J. Buyer, and R.D. Zöllner
                Speaker: M. Sautter

Comparative study of passive, semi-active and active suspension of a truck cabin using a Simulink model (ID 907)
                C. Stan, A. Ioniță, D. Iozsa, and R. Oprea
                Speaker: C. Stan

Calculation program in Microsoft Excel for sequential reliability tests during the useful life of the products (ID 758)
                T.A. Udma, O. Popa, A.Al. Boroiu, A.M. Ţîţu, and Al. Boroiu
                Speaker: Al. Boroiu

Control Techniques for Correct Driver Posture (ID 775)
                A. Stefanita and S. Butnariu
                Speaker: A. Stefanita


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 11:30 – Room UI6
Session ENV 2 – Automobile and Environment
Chairman: N. Ispas

Approaches to collecting and processing an ambient air quality database (ID 922)
                S. Babanov and V. Ronkova
                Speaker: S. Babanov

Alternative energy storage systems for enhancing cars efficiency and sustainability (ID 812)
                O. Frunze
                Speaker: O. Frunze

Roof Up or Down: Exploring Particulate Matter and Noise Pollution Dynamics in Convertible Vehicles (ID 1006)
                D.M. Mustață, I. Ionel, D. Bisorca, and R.M. Balogh
                Speaker: D.M. Mustață

Frictionless braking systems for automotive applications: State of the art and modern trends (ID 905)
                G. Achitei, L. Achitei, A.I. Dontu, and A.C. Sachelarie
                Speaker: G. Achitei

Recovery of Metals from Used Batteries of Electric Vehicles (ID 764)
                I.Al. Rus, C. Birtok Baneasa, and E.V. Nicolae
                Speaker: I.Al. Rus

Advancements in automotive waste management - A case study on dismantling and recycling processes in Romania (ID 793)
                L. Barbeş, L.C. Manea, A.T. Manea, and   S.L. Ionaşcu
                Speaker: L.C. Manea


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 11:30 – Room UI7
Session TRS 2 – Advanced Transport Systems
Chairman: D. Iozsa

Modeling a road system for traffic assessment in relation to express highway construction (ID 997)
                L. Răcilă, I. Dumitru, and L. Matei
                Speaker: L. Răcilă

Evaluation of different types of junction management for a different geometric design (ID 996)
                I. Dumitru, L. Matei, and L. Răcilă
                Speaker: L. Matei

Traffic flow investigation of an adaptive signal control system in several junctions (ID 998)
                L. Matei, I. Dumitru, and L. Răcilă
                Speaker: L. Matei

Study on the implementation of an efficient rural public transport system (ID 763)
                R. Ţârulescu, S. Ţârulescu, A. Chiru, D. Covaciu, S. Butnariu, R. Szigeti, and M. Niculescu
                Speaker: S. Ţârulescu

Enhancing Traffic Flow and Safety: Analysis and Optimization of a Roundabout Intersection through Virtual Modeling (ID 769)
                Al. I. Radu, B.I. Nituleasa, and D. Luca Motoc
                Speaker: Al. I. Radu


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 14:30 – Room UI2
Session VDS 2 – Vehicle Dynamics, Vehicle Systems
Chairman: N. Cordoş

Suspension Parameter Identification based on Synthetic Data (ID 1005)
                A. de Hoyos Fernández de Córdova, J.L. Olazagoitia, C. Gijón-Rivera, D. Gomez-Lendinez and R.B. del Cerro
                Speaker: A. de Hoyos Fernández de Córdova

Aspects of Planetary Transmissions Predesign (ID 1012)
                I. Preda
                Speaker: I. Preda

Testing Rig for Laboratory Research of Tyre Pressure Transducers (ID 824)
                G. Anghelache, A.R. Moisescu, and D.L. Bureţea
                Speaker: A.R. Moisescu

Particularities regarding the design and construction of the anti-tipping bar placed on the side of trailers intended for the transport of wood material (ID 959)
                V.I. Țenț, F.B. Scurt, T. Vesselenyi, H. Beleș, B.A. Țolea, and Șt. Halasz
                Speaker: V.I. Țenț

Analysis of braking force and absolute deceleration using data obtained from measurements on the brake stand (ID 859)
                M.F. Popa, B.M. Jurchis, and N. Burnete
                Speaker: M.F. Popa

Performance Evaluation of GNSS Systems in Low-Signal Environments and Implications for Vehicle Safety (ID 840)
                C.I. Anuţoiu, A. Chiru, J. Timar
                Speaker: C.I. Anuţoiu


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 14:30 – Room UI3
Session MAT 3 – New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies
Chairman: D. Ostoia

The Effect of the Drawing Angle and the Tool Diameter on Forming Force Prediction in Single Point Incremental Forming (ID 938)
                M. Habbachi and A. Baksa
                Speaker: M. Habbachi

Reverse Engineering Based Approach towards Vehicle Wheel Hub Design and Manufacturing (ID 771)
                G. Goliță and D. Luca Motoc
                Speaker: D. Luca Motoc

Mechanical Evaluation of 3D-Printed Lightweight Structure for Automotive parts: A Simulation Based Analysis (ID 1024)
                Y. Abouyazid, Y. Cherradi, M. Benyoucef, and O. Cherkaoui
                Speaker: Y. Abouyazid

Enhancing Mechanical Performance of Composites with Argan Shell Powder: An experimetal Investigation for Automotive Applications (ID 1025)
                Y. Cherradi , H. El Qarnia , A. Bourmaud, M. Rahmoune , and M. Benyoucef
                Speaker: Y. Cherradi

Performance Improvements for Vehicle Wheelliners (ID 1043)
                C. Draghici, A. Mihailescu, C. Diaconescu, Şt. Tabacu, D. Leuciuc
                Speaker: Şt. Tabacu


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 14:30 – Room UI6
Session ARA 1 – Accident Research and Analysis
Chairman: A. Sachelarie

A Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Pre-crash Maneuvers on Passenger Safety Performance (ID 1020)
                A. Dahiya, C.D. Untaroiu
                Speaker: C.D. Untaroiu

Impact Attenuation Assessment of Several Lightweight Materials Subjected to a Motorcycle Helmet Free-Fall Drop Test (ID 882)
                D.D. Trușcă, M.N. Baba, and M.D. Stanciu
                Speaker: M.N. Baba

A Crash-Energy Distribution Technique for Seats to Improve Neck Protection in Rear-End Impacts (ID 932)
                S. Himmetoglu
                Speaker: S. Himmetoglu

Transdisciplinary possibilities for approaching road traffic accidents: A review (ID 846)
                Al. Terec, A. Todoruț, I. Barabás, N. Cordoș and I. Duma
                Speaker: Al. Terec

Comparative Analisys of Vehicle Trajectory and Velocity Estimations (ID 927)
                M. Găman and D.S. Dima
                Speaker: M. Găman

Technical solutions for improving the lateral protection of N1 category vehicles (ID 830)
                D.T. Ioniță, A. Chiru, N. Ispas, D.D. Trușcă, and C. Nedelescu
                Speaker: D.T. Ioniță


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 14:30 – Room UI7
Session TRS 3 – Advanced Transport Systems
Chairman: N. Filip

Deep Learning and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Transport Phenomena Simulations (ID 1047)
                P. Cizmaş, M. Schulz, J. Standridge
                Speaker: P. Cizmaş

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Mobility: Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities (ID 903)
                I.T. Oargă, B.O. Varga, D. Moldovanu, G. Prunean, and H. Cărăușan
                Speaker: I.T. Oargă

Evaluation and analysis of public transport services for county seat municipalities in Romania (ID 755)
                S. Ţârulescu, R. Ţârulescu, A. Şoica, A. Chiru, C.I. Leahu, and R. Szigeti
                Speaker: S. Ţârulescu

Adaptive Decision-Making Framework for Autonomous Vehicles: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Urban Traffic Safety (ID 817)
                I.D. Buzdugan, I.A. Roșu, F.B. Scurt, and C. Antonya
                Speaker: I.A. Roșu

Collision Avoidance System simulation for occluded pedestrian (ID 825)
                I.A. Roșu, I.D. Buzdugan, and C. Antonya
                Speaker: I.A. Roșu

Identification and Evaluation of Traffic Management Scenarious Using Microscopic Simulation in Mekelle (ID 966)
                H.G. Tetemke, T.D. Yehdego
                Speaker: H.G. Tetemke


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 17:00 – Room UI2
Session POW 3 – Advanced Powertrain Systems
Chairman: E. Rakosi

The design and development of an Integrated Propulsion System – Phase 4: shared cooling and lubrication strategy (ID 1032)
                V. Croitorescu and G. Enache
                Speaker: V. Croitorescu

The design and development of an Integrated Propulsion System – Phase 5: shared cooling and lubrication system mathematical model and virtual prototype (ID 1033)
                V. Croitorescu and G. Enache
                Speaker: G. Enache

CVPT - Continuously Variable Planetary Transmission (ID 802)
                V. Sivu
                Speaker: V. Sivu

Experimental research concerning the decreasing of the state of charge from the traction battery for an electric vehicle used in urban driving conditions (ID 971)
                V. Nișulescu, F. Ivan, M. Toma, C. Rențea, Gh. Bancă
                Speaker: V. Nișulescu

Research into the simulation of the autonomy of the electric vehicles on the WLTC cycle using the AMESim platform (ID 992)
                C. Mînzatu, V. Nișulescu, M. Toma, C. Rențea , Gh. Bancă
                Speaker: C. Mînzatu

Contributions to the modelling of gasoline injection in the spark ignition engines (ID 759)
                M. Blaga
                Speaker: M. Blaga


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 17:00 – Room UI3
Session AEM 3 – Advanced Engineering Methods
Chairman: S. Butnariu

Autonomous Driving Object Detection Platform (ID 982)
                L. Carabulea, C. Pozna, C. Antonya, F. Arhip, and C. Husar
                Speaker: L. Carabulea

Test-based virtual methods to explore NVH issues of Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles (ID 985)
                S. Săcăreanu, C. Irimia, D. Predica, and A. Băicoianu
                Speaker: S. Săcăreanu

Emergent Trends in Deep Learning for Autonomous Electric Vehicles: A Literature Review (ID 766)
                M. Duguleană, F. Gîrbacia, R.G. Boboc, and E.V. Butilă
                Speaker: M. Duguleană

Detection of Phone Distraction while Driving Using Open Visual-Language Models (ID 826)
                F. Girbacia, Gh. D. Voinea, M.D. Danu, I.D. Buzdugan, and M. Duguleană
                Speaker: F. Girbacia

Comparative Analysis of 3D Scanning Methods for Object Reconstruction: Applications and Insights (ID 836)
                S. Zisu
                Speaker: S. Zisu


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 17:00 – Room UI6
Session ENV 3 – Automobile and Environment
Chairman: L.C. Manea

The Study of Vehicle Emissions using a Dynamic Cycle Performed on the Base of Real Urban Traffic (ID 780)
                C. Niţoiu, C. Cofaru, M.V. Popescu, and C. Klement
                Speaker: C. Niţoiu

Comparative Analysis of the Emissions Obtained on the Dynamometer Stand During Use the WLTP Cycle and the Real Urban Driving Cycle on Two Types of Vehicles (ID 781)
                C. Niţoiu, C. Cofaru, and M.V. Popescu
                Speaker: C. Niţoiu

The impact of road transport on the level of CO2 in urban areas (ID 1029)
                A. Şoica, S. Ţârulescu, R. Elie, R.R.V. Juliana, R. Herizo, and M. Popa
                Speaker: S. Ţârulescu

The influence of the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system on the quality of fuel combustion in diesel engines (ID 788)
                S. Rațiu, A. Gidali, and D.M. Armioni
                Speaker: S. Rațiu

Experimental determinations in order to establish the influence of the diesel quality and engine load on the smoke emissions of diesel cars (ID 832)
                S.M. Burciu
                Speaker: S.M. Burciu


Thursday, 7.11.2024, 17:00 – Room UI7
Session ARA 2 – Accident Research and Analysis
Chairman: H. Beleş

Software applications, equipment and procedures used for the acquisition and processing of experimental data in case of road accidents (ID 753)
                C. Nedelescu, A. Chiru, R.I. Negrilă, P.M. Vrabie, D.D. Trușcă
                Speaker: C. Nedelescu

The impact of bullbar devices on dynamics and consequences of vehicle-pedestrian road accidents (ID 773)
                I. Ciobanu, A. Chiru, and Al. I. Radu
                Speaker: I. Ciobanu

Optimization of road infrastructure safety management by analysing statistical data of serious road accidents in urban areas. Case study: streets of Bucharest (ID 934)
                C.I. Dimitriu and Gh. Frățilă
                Speaker: C.I. Dimitriu

Contributions to strengthening the national legislative framework for road infrastructure safety management in Romania. Case study on the evolution of national regulations (ID 935)
                C.I. Dimitriu and Gh. Frățilă
                Speaker: C.I. Dimitriu

Mathematical modeling of vehicle impact against a rigid barrier (ID 752)
                C. Nedelescu, A. Chiru, R.I. Negrila, P.M. Vrabie, and D.D. Truşcă
                Speaker: C. Nedelescu


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